Rhythmic Alchemy

Riki Buckingham & Mike Puskas 2021 Common Solution, Technology, Genetic Manipulation, Healing

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIlHeUA4JHY&w=860&h=615] Riki Buckingham & Mike Puskas 2021 Common Solution, Technology, Genetic Manipulation, Healing Working with the shadow self Food, Parasites, and growing food with pure intention, the effects our intention has on plants. Worthiness, shame, punishment, and entity doorways Gray ET’s, Technology timelines, and the need to be in our power in order to mess with high technologies, Genetic manipulation, etc The need for Discernment, the illusions of being distracted away from our internal knowing/source and […]

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Inner cleansing and nature :) re-sensitising the human experience in order to perceive deeper.

The first video since being back in England. I take this as a good sign as its often that when one is being more creative, expressive and doing all the things you know you wanted to do that your on the right track and more aligned to your soul purpose.     I’ve always seen the link between the sharing of video’s, the creation of music and the looking after your health with self-nurturing and care. I […]

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Trauma, soul loss (cover ups), Spirit Possession and other day to day life stuff!

A video about soul loss and spirit attachments following any kind of trauma, talking about the experience of feeling those things and the need to take control back of our own bodies and energy systems and control back over our choices in life.   Video talks about how possessing energies shield and cover up that the hurt human is needing help. Also talks a little about our own ways to help ourselves.    

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