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The 7th Sense team welcomes female practitioner, Haitian born spiritual alchemist, Kirah Minuty from Florida in the US and what she brings to the typically fueled male dominated conversation is nothing short of miraculous. Her intelligent outlook with a myriad of knowledge covering a broad spectrum of subjects reflected through personal experiences which she relates back to the divine feminine and the greater collective generated such a buzz online that we had the most women ever in our brief history join us to listen to her wisdom. In fact we managed to break the 100 listener barrier online for the 2.5 hour stream and that makes this discussion really worthy of the portal that is the master number of 22 in a (4) Universal year of physical manifestation for all. Some of the subjects the team including Riki Buckingham (UK) and Corey Caplan (US) covered in this highly informative Livestream included the following.
So brew a nice cup of soothing herbal tea, sit back and relax to take in all that so beautifully and energetically unfolded early yesterday morning as a community came together in a higher octave of co creation that benefits all as we discover that “everything is medicine”
Please remember to book mark the link below as we will be moving to Megazine Radio by mid to late this week. From all of us here at Podbean on the 7th Sense Podcast we wish you all the best for the 13 Rays of the Rainbow Bridge and the powerful planetary transits still to come in the coming months of this most auspicious year.
Shanti Shanti
Megazine Radio (Airtime Pro)