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After doing a lot of inner work lately I Just wanted to share a video from Aaron Doughty Having an abandonment wound is much more common than you think. An abandonment wound is when as a kid, we felt like in some way we are either physically, or emotionally, or some form of abandonment happened where we felt like either our feelings didn’t matter. And as a result of this, we wired in a level of ourselves […]
[youtube] Riki Buckingham & Mike Puskas 2021 Common Solution, Technology, Genetic Manipulation, Healing Working with the shadow self Food, Parasites, and growing food with pure intention, the effects our intention has on plants. Worthiness, shame, punishment, and entity doorways Gray ET’s, Technology timelines, and the need to be in our power in order to mess with high technologies, Genetic manipulation, etc The need for Discernment, the illusions of being distracted away from our internal knowing/source and […]
Topics: Non-Resistance to life (saying yes to what is) Self-Sufficiency, nature and grounding, tribal living and soul retrieval Astral Parasites and bringing in life force energy for protection Raw food and uplifting consciousness Working with trauma from an empowered space Talking to a persons soul Connecting to our angels and guides Stress and coping with numbing foods Listening and talking to the body Kambo frog medicine for healing and awareness The spirit of plants Thankyou for Mara […]
A chat about the lockdown and its positive effects. Eating natural and healthy foods, Juicing, healing with foods for clarity and emotional balance Thankyou for Mara Lemurian for her Contribution to the channel! as we learnt so much!
From the 7th Sence Podcast by Mike Puskas and Riki Buckingham on the Podbean platform here we also share this podcast here on Awakening Earth 7th SENCE PODCAST (Podbean App) TOPICS Letting go of control Listening to the internal language of the heart and letting that be the guide Self trust and being devoted to the highest good for yourself and others Inspiration and self belief from within rather than completely from the external […]
As requested by Mike Puskas and his friends here is an audio I recorded for his “7th Sense Podcast” where I talk (very open and authentically) about mother earth, wild foods, trauma, healing and connecting with nature to bring us more into alignment with our most truest self, protecting the aura and raising our overall energy levels 🙂 This is information which I feel is important for today’s world and people 🙂 I love The 7th Sense […]
A video about soul loss and spirit attachments following any kind of trauma, talking about the experience of feeling those things and the need to take control back of our own bodies and energy systems and control back over our choices in life. Video talks about how possessing energies shield and cover up that the hurt human is needing help. Also talks a little about our own ways to help ourselves.
Another post that will probably affirm my ‘nutter’ status again to those who already see me that way…I want to talk about addictions again, especially the apparently ‘innocent’ addictions. I’ve just eaten a bowl of polenta, it was just a little sunflower oil, some mixed spices (cinnamon etc) and half a banana added to the polenta. I guess for most people that would seem a pretty healthy meal, but it is surprising how sedating it is. Akin […]