
2020-01-11 Riki and Mike Livestream Saturn Pluto Conjunction, The Internal Balance, Trust, Energy…

From the 7th Sence Podcast by Mike Puskas and Riki Buckingham on the Podbean platform here we also share this podcast here on Awakening Earth

7th SENCE PODCAST (Podbean App)




  • Letting go of control
  • Listening to the internal language of the heart and letting that be the guide
  • Self trust and being devoted to the highest good for yourself and others
  • Inspiration and self belief from within rather than completely from the external sources, media, education, peers, family etc
  • Trust in life that in following your heart you will reach the destinations with ease and grace rather than living with a fear based friction and struggle

Mike gets on a roll!

  • The need to manage our internal energy not just the external (electricity, gas, heating etc)
  • To stop taking so much from the planet and from other humans due to trauma and inner dysfunction
  • Walking away from unhealthy situations and people while knowing that the universe will bring new people In to your life who resonate at an even higher level of connection
  • Creating a central core within In which the external world no longer has quite the power to derail or distract from that inner peace.
  • Letting go of the need to complain about world affairs and be distracted on the he said she said.. Politician did this and that (life force energy drain) etc and actually focus on doing and turning that energy into something positive which actualy helps the planet and/or ourselves.
  • “Allowing” the universe to work with us
  • Atracting experiences by getting into divine FLOW! By doing things you love and EFFORTLESSLY attracting abundance.
  • Truth and manipulations in emotions.

Cheers 🙂

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