As we know food effects our vibration,even though ultimately we can create our inner vibration and shift our own mood independent of the external world. The body wants to be looked after and respected. It’s a personal thing, yet what I will say is that beyond the physical level the life force and energy of those plants supports and engages with the aura and energy body within the human,protecting and strengthening the energy system, this is […]
As requested by Mike Puskas and his friends here is an audio I recorded for his “7th Sense Podcast” where I talk (very open and authentically) about mother earth, wild foods, trauma, healing and connecting with nature to bring us more into alignment with our most truest self, protecting the aura and raising our overall energy levels 🙂 This is information which I feel is important for today’s world and people 🙂 I love The 7th Sense […]