Sound Healing Events, Workshops and Spirituality Articles

The 12 D Shield Building Technique by Lisa Renee

Here is a Shielding Technique we have been willing to try here at Awakening Earth in order to protect ourselves and put our intention out to the universe that we are willing to serve our highest calling. Worth trying I think! In lisa’s words So our core support practice is you wake up in the morning and your first step is to make a daily declaration of your intention to resolve the authority problem between the ego […]

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Everything is Ok! and probably always will be! despite this most of us are running on faulty programming and fear-based realities.

The following text is from 2013, I’ve put it up if anything for me to just share a few things I have done in the past, feeling nostalgia tonight! I have a message today, it goes a little bit like this Everything is Ok! and probably always will be! despite this most of us are running on faulty programming and fear-based realities. Life is beautiful!, if life is a struggle that’s not how its meant to be, […]

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