
The 12 D Shield Building Technique by Lisa Renee

Here is a Shielding Technique we have been willing to try here at Awakening Earth in order to protect ourselves and put our intention out to the universe that we are willing to serve our highest calling. Worth trying I think! In lisa’s words So our core support practice is you wake up in the morning and your first step is to make a daily declaration of your intention to resolve the authority problem between the ego […]

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The Dark Lie – Remembering our core truth no matter how dark the paths, Experiences

It all started with a lie, the lie that we believed in our innocence, the lie that we took on from another, the lie that made us act or speak in a certain way. This is a message to try and help people remember their truth and let go of self-blame, self-harm, self-hatred. It is also mainly a message to the ‘dark’ beings out there who have acted out their believed ‘role’ for a very very long […]

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Rixsta – The Other Side (2013 mix with John Buckingham on Keys)

Song about the other side, with my father on keyboards! Recorded 2011-02-14 I dont know how to explain this song or what it’s about, I sang on the spot again and worked the video around the lyrics and song. To me it is about Duality and accepting the darker side so that we can be whole!

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Spanish Traveler

Riki Rixsta Buckingham – Spanish Traveler. A song with a theme of concern for the beautiful planet we find ourselves on. starting off with sampled drums, Spanish, Latin style acoustic guitars are added over a funky fusion bass line all pulling in the feel and sound of the 70’s era in general. As is often the case Rixsta then records layers of improvised guitar and soulful vocal moves.  Video contains footage of nature freely found on the […]

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