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In 2019 after the sudden split of a 12-year relationship which broke my heart open, I began to face more fears of playing in public. In order to get over the relationship loss, I knew I needed to do something that felt brave for me, I got out there and played music on the street. Toward the latter part of that year, I took my bike into France and began to ride what must have been at least 2000km over a 3 month period living out in the wild and sleeping in my tent every night. The plan was to bring healing to my inner troubles and get physically stronger and more confident, It worked! Many of the songs I have been working on were played on a daily basis, the whole trip made me feel alive and gave me a lot of insight into the world and people around me.
There came a time out there where I felt it was time to come home, as drifting around out there eventually became boring, I saw rich people, homeless people, and people from all walks of life. I experienced much kindness, luckily just before the lockdown! My intuition said come home, start a band, make an album, find love.
So over the lockdown period, I gave up the place I was living in and moved back to my mum’s where I could record music. I saved up and spent a good amount of money on a U47 microphone clone and one of the best recording interfaces in the world. I then spent 5 months over winter programming drums for 23 songs! My mum was amazing through all that putting up with hearing bang bang bang every day coming from the speakers! Thank you, mum, for being the most supportive person ever I might add!
Those weeks seemed to go on forever and I kept thinking to myself is this going to end because I have not even recorded any guitar yet! and I want to get back to life and socialize!
I went through hundreds of pre-made drum beats for each song, trying to find the beats that would fit. It was a bit all too much but I was determined to finish them and the end results were superb, computer drums that sound like a real drummer playing!
I then began recording the guitar that I had previously been playing to match the verses and choruses etc to the beats. I had to keep the guitar in a certain position for the recording as even a 10-degree difference in angle would produce quite a different sound from one take to another I was aiming for consistency but not perfection. I would often have to wait for the street to be quiet to not get a noisy recording! All time-consuming but worth it in the end.
Next was to record the bass guitar which is always fun. I saved up for a great bass guitar and got down to it. I still need to fix some mistakes in the recordings done, but by June I had managed to get drums, bass, guitar and some rough vocals for 23 songs down, one of which the epic “New Dawn” is a 24 minutes long journey.
It was at this time I realized I needed a break and while part of me said STAY and get this done! The other knew I needed a break so I headed off on the bike to the southwest of England as the lyrics were not complete and ready to get the vocals down on anyway.
I have been making music and recording since 16 years old but never worked on a project like this, most of the older music was great but was a bit throwaway (I never had the self-respect to give it my all). The songs were recorded on the day, left and never worked on but over time I realised that the talent was not something that should be just pushed aside but rather celebrated. The audience seemed to agree!
This year is the first time in my life I’ve worked properly on lyrics, once they are done I will be down to recording the vocals.
The lyrics have deep meaning and are often about love, care for the planet, becoming stronger as a person, embracing and transcending fears, and general life wisdom.
I guess this whole thing has been an act of self-love, appreciation for life, for nature, and for this beautiful planet we live on.. but not just this, it is a gift to mother nature and a gift to humanity from me from someone who has lived in its wilderness and been touched deeply by life outside the busyness of human’s society,. Here there is raw, there is fire and passion, there is emotion and joy, and there is fun.
There are at least 3 albums worth to finish, maybe more and I will be looking for an artist for the artwork.
Once the albums are done I have decided that’s it for me, I no longer will work with computers for recording music and will be going into a new avenue something more free form and wild. I call this an end of an era in that there will likely be nothing like this again from me. I love it and if you do too then feel free too share and if you can donate to help the projects become what they deserve to be then please do and I can close the chapter on one of the craziest projects I’ve ever done!
As for the future I wish to keep making music from the heart with spirit in a way that’s accessible to everybody, I also wish to collaborate with others in a more free-form musical way. I look forward to the next chapters which will most likely involve making music with others again.
Find out more at
Taking the time to develop the courage and confidence within me to take it to the streets and boldly share. Moved myself to be seen and received, and realising that people were really loving and feeling the joy that my music brings. To see there smiling faces and nods of encouragement has given me drive and inspired me to carry on and honor this gift!
I wish all to find the power of their unique voice and expression to heal, grow and celebrate life. I have a natrual desire and tendency to hold space for people who are going through a deep process so they can free themselves from fears and limitations becoming more of who they truly are, the next step is to facilitate workshops for people to come together in a way that deepens the connection between them and the beautiful planet we live on.
Music does this already but when our life is in dedication to this mission with a greater intention the music deepens and the connections within the web of life deepen.
For anyone that follows this fundraiser, I will update them with latest blogs, Ep’s, Songs and Workshops (free attendance for those who have donated)