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Just doing Yoga today and realising how for one I am nowhere near in my power as many of the other bigger animals on the planet and I know that I had been that way in other lives.
Our current society does not encourage us to cultivate energy and for us to stand in our power and know just how strong we can be in facing all we need to evolve.
That the wild part of many of us is locked away in the basement and it’s too easy for stagnation to occur and lack of energy if we truly lose our body connection and connection to that inner fire and wonder so much into the maze of the mind.
Come show me what it is to be truly alive and to have courage, honour and bravery to face ANY of life’s challenges. Being in our power our truth we would not shy away from many of life’s experiences so easily.
Living out there experiencing something new every day, being exposed to the land and nature, having to be open to the flow of change every day with a little bit of discomfort has been one of the most powerful experiences of my life.