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This was the day I broke my Raw food regiem after 6 or 7 weeks of 100% Raw, explanations why and whats good about eating RAW
This was the day I broke my Raw food regiem after 6 or 7 weeks of 100% Raw, explanations why and whats good about eating RAW
After another period of being 100% raw I decided I needed to take a break! Its interesting with the food thing that we can swing backwards and fore-wards but I know for me Iv’e felt most happy on 100% Raw Vegan diet, I just don’t keep it up for longer than a few months.
Thought I would just share some experience with the Raw food and share where Im at! I have done this many times but this may just be the last time im 100% raw for a period of time.
hey all hope this video is of use to some people. this is the first video of a series I will be doing. I did not video the first 3 days.