
Radiant Vitality 2nd Show with Mara Lemurian, soul retrieval, trauma, healing (2020-04-17)

Topics: Non-Resistance to life (saying yes to what is) Self-Sufficiency, nature and grounding, tribal living and soul retrieval Astral Parasites and bringing in life force energy for protection Raw food and uplifting consciousness Working with trauma from an empowered space Talking to a persons soul Connecting to our angels and guides Stress and coping with numbing foods Listening and talking to the body Kambo frog medicine for healing and awareness The spirit of plants Thankyou for Mara […]

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Chanting, Inner child healing and forgiveness prayer’s deep in the New Forest, Hampshire

So I just felt very called to say if not just for me to remember for myself that last night was very powerful. I took the bike I have been building up in order to travel into Europe deep into the forest and did some Chanting, Prayer’s  and Inner child healing. The ride out was very exiting for me, for one I had not ridden a bike for some time and two I was anxious to get […]

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